you have a baby
on the way!
Quitting smoking is important for a healthy pregnancy and to give your child a good start.
We know it’s tough to quit, but with our support you’re 3 x more likely to quit for good.
you have a baby
on the way!
Quitting smoking is important for a healthy pregnancy and to give your child a good start. We know it’s tough to quit, but with our support you’re 3 x more likely to quit for life.
How we can help
With so many ways to quit smoking, we’ll find what works best for you.
We have helped many pregnant women to stop smoking with our mixture of free nicotine patches, chewing gum, lozenges, vape starter kit. Our specialist advisors can support you in many ways such as telephone, online or face to face to make it easier for you (and your loved ones) to quit for good.
How smoking affects you and your baby
More than 4000 chemicals are absorbed into your bloodstream when smoking, including ammonia (found in toilet cleaner), arsenic (a poison) & carbon monoxide.
Smoking reduces the oxygen supply to your baby, which can cause restricted growth & development, premature birth, & result in a lower birth weight. These factors can lead to a weaker baby & a more challenging birth.
The placenta is vital for the baby’s well -being. Smoking raises the chances of bleeding, placenta abruption (placenta detaches/peels away), & placenta praevia (low lying placenta).
Your baby is more likely to be born with low birth weight if you smoke. Smaller babies can face difficulties during & after birth. For example, they are more likely to have problems with keeping warm & are more likely to get infections.
If you smoke during pregnancy, you’re 5 x more likely to get eclampsia. A major reason why women in the UK die during childbirth.
Smoking or secondhand smoke goes into the lungs which damages them & can make breathing more difficult.
Smoking while you’re pregnant raises the chances of your baby being stillborn or experiencing sudden infant death syndrome (SID).
Smoking can restrict the essential oxygen supply to your baby. As a result, their heart must beat harder to receive oxygen around their body.